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How Valentine’s Day is Celebrated in Ukraine

St. Valentine’s Day is one of the youngest holidays in Ukraine. If in Western Europe this holiday is mass celebrated since the 13th century, then in Ukraine, the tradition of celebrating the Day of lovers was established only from the beginning of the 90s of the last century. 
Nevertheless, it is one of the most popular and favorite holidays in Ukraine. Nowadays it is celebrated by people of all ages: from children and teenagers to adults and the senior citizens. 

What gifts are popular in Ukraine on St. Valentine’s Day?

Be my ValentineSt. Valentine’s Day in Ukraine is an expression of love and care for people close to you. Therefore, it is desirable to show your creativity and make a present with your own hands. It doesn’t matter what it will be (a cute photo from the history of your relationship, a drawing of your common future or a poem written by you), the main thing is that the gift should express romantic feelings. Let your heart tell you!

And of course, flowers! Without them, you just cannot do on this holiday! And no matter from which flowers the bouquet will be made, because giving flowers is considered one of the most romantic gestures in Ukraine.

And do not forget about sweets. But here you need to be careful, because many Ukrainian girls carefully keep their figure and in this situation, such present will be simply inappropriate. But if you know for sure that your lady is a sweet tooth, a box of chocolates will certainly cause a smile on her face.

How do Ukrainians celebrate St. Valentine’s Day?

As you know, St. Valentine’s Day did not arise in Ukraine; this means that there are no specific Ukrainian traditions associated with this holiday. The main thing is to show love and care for your lady. Here are some options that will warm your imagination:

• Enjoy a candlelight home dinner with a glass of fine wine.
• Hug, while watching an old romantic film (desirable, in Ukrainian, in order you can practise your language skills).
• Go for a romantic walk across the park or the beach, holding your hands together and telling stories from your childhood).
• Reserve a table in a trendy restaurant and surprise your sweetheart.
• Write romantic letters to each other.

Give freedom to your feelings and make this holiday romantic and unforgettable. Ukrainian women love romantic atmosphere.

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