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67 y/o female Rostov-on-Don, Russia dating
Finde mich, mein Liebling! Ich bin ernst, freundlich, lebensfroh,optimistisch, humorvoll. Ich interessiere mich fur Wandern, Tanzen, Gartenblumen, Fotografieren.... more about Natali from Rostov-on-Don
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Rostov-on-Don, Russia girls
38 y/o female Kharkiv, Ukraine dating Trust Level - 100%
Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity
I am a ... more about Tatyana from Kharkiv
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Kharkiv, Ukraine girls
59 y/o female Dnepr, Ukraine dating
I am a lady of an agreeable person, well-balanced with good morals, who never holds grudges, trust easy, but my trust must not be misused. By nature I am accommodative, responsive,... more about Irina from Dnepr
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